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Choose one of one of our popular packages:
Fundraising & Donor Insights Review
Finding insights for growth in an uncertain climate
Gaining a deeper understanding of your performance and donor/customer insights is a critical component in identifying opportunities for future planning, especially during uncertain times.
Very popular with Australia charities, this review has been conducted for many mid to large organisations.
It is ideal for strategic planning by providing clarity on who your organisation's donors/customers are, how you have performed over the last 5 years, and giving you a set of actionable insights, which if applied, can deliver a 5-fold ROI.
- 5 year revenue, donor/customer acquisition trends by channel and giving/spend value
- Profile of donor opportunities
- Benchmarked second gift/buy rate analysis
- Year-on Year retention analysis
- Longitudinal retention and value by giving type and value
- Benchmarked year on year and longitudinal retention
- Mid & major gift/buy propensity score (valued at $2,900)
- Bequest propensity score (valued at $3,800)
- All reports provided as a presentation in addition to a dashboard format with data updated and provided on a quarterly or monthly basis as required
NB: The work requires one data dump to ensure minimal impact on existing resources.
Appeals and Campaigns Data Support
Maximising revenue from targeting donors/customers
With limited budgets and resources, it is important to save costs whilst remaining efficient and maximising revenue.
Appeals and Campaigns Data Support allows your organisation to run appeals in-house whilst maintaining the highest level of data targeting available .
This service has been provided for many small and medium sized organisations delivering improved ROI’s, maximizing revenue and reducing up-front spend (e.g. by reducing volumes by 2-5k, we have saved between $3-$8k per campaign, whist maintaining and increasing revenue).
- Creation of a Targeting Score based on past performance
- Application of the Score to create targeting recommendations
- Recommendations around Ask Strategy
- Creation of mailing/calling file with Ask Strategy and key segments applied
- Application of any testing criteria to segments
- Post campaign reviews showing high level results, and results by score, segment, ask levels and testing criteria.
Mid to Major Giving Review & Score
Finding your best donors/customers to maximise revenue
Amidst changing economic and/or social times, many traditional fundraising activities are difficult to conduct, with some activities being impossible to conduct or needing to be reduced in scale. Therefore, focusing on your highest value donors/customers is critical across a range of activities, enabling you to reduce costs whilst maximizing revenue, and identifying opportunities to turn mid-value donors/customers into major donors/customers.
The Mid to Major Gift/Buy Score has been used effectively across several organsiations to rank their whole donor/customer database and will help you focus on your best donors across a range of activities, from appeals to supporter experience calling.
- Overview of donor/customer file to provide insights on key variables that determine value
- Development of the Mid-Major Gift/Buy Score
- Return file of donor ID’s with ranking score available to be used for campaign activities
- Recommendations on application
- Instructions on how to refresh the Score internally
NB: The work requires one data dump to ensure minimal impact on existing resources.
Bequest Prospect Score
Finding those hidden gems in your donor/customer base
Average bequest donations in Australia are approximately $50k, therefor a donor/customer making a Gift in Will donation makes a significant contribution to your organisation's wellbeing.
Hard sell promotion of Gifts in Wills are not generally advisable during difficult time, however, charities in Australia and the UK are seeing increased demand for information around creating wills, and knowing who your best prospects are will ensure you can focus limited resources for targeted supporter experience activity.
The Bequest Prospect Score ranks your organisation's whole donor database and help you focus on your best prospects. This tool has been used effectively across many charities in Australia and overseas.
- Overview of donor database to provide insights on key variables that determine likelihood to leave a Gift-in-Will;
- Development of the Bequest Prospect Score across donor database & existing prospects;
- Return file of donor ID’s with ranking score available to be used for campaign activity;
- Recommendations on application;
- Instructions on how to refresh the Score internally in the future.
NB: The work requires one data dump to ensure minimal impact on existing resource
Fundraising and Insights: On Demand Mentoring
Upskilling your team to increase their knowledge and productivity
Providing an on-demand service to support your fundraising team members across all levels on an individual basis.
This package will enable your team members to undertake more activity in-house and upskill their fundraising and data abilities at an affordable cost.
This program provides advice and support on demand, with unanswered calls and all emails returned within one working day, and covers activities such as:
- Strategic planning
- Cash giving
- Campaign targeting
- Donor experience
- Appeals
- Data and report insights
- Identifying key metrics
- Regular giving modelling
- Reporting
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